Event Outline

  • Dates: August 25 - August 27, 2025
  • Venue: Nihon University, College of Humanities and Sciences
  • Address: 3-25-40 Sakurajosui Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo 156-8550 JAPAN

Theme : EC is borderless

The symposium, known as Entertainment Computing (EC), has been held annually since 2003 as a domestic Japanese academic conference on new technologies for entertainment computing, new possibilities in EC, and the relationship between EC and people and society. This year marks its 23rd installment. Under the theme “EC is borderless,” the symposium will take place on Nihon University’s College of Humanities and Sciences campus in Setagaya, Tokyo.

Cutting-edge technologies, including AI, have had a significant impact not only on various research fields but also on our daily lives. They blur conventional boundaries—such as those defined by language, time zones, age, gender, the divide between play and work, developers and users, or between AR/VR and the real world—thus broadening the scope of individual activities. In this symposium, we will explore the ideal form of Entertainment Computing in this borderless era, considering innovative ideas and their social impact.
Furthermore, by collaborating with the international conference ICEC2025, EC2025 seeks to transcend national and linguistic barriers. We also aim to merge the boundaries between oral presentations and demo/poster sessions by encouraging all presenters to demonstrate or exhibit posters in addition to giving talks.

We look forward to receiving your cutting-edge, wide-ranging EC research presentations that will stimulate the future and drive the continued development of Entertainment Computing.

